A one year intensive training program designed to equip families for the spiritual, physical, and psychological challenges of urban and rural 3rd-world mission fields.

Core Areas Of Training And Development

Cross-Cultural Training: Developing theoretical principles for effective cross-cultural ministry, while having the opportunity to implement learned principles in a real world environment.

Strategic Missions: Challenging the students to a mission philosophy founded upon Biblical Theology, while developing a mission strategy equal to the unreached peoples of the world.

Contextualization: Improving the abilities of the missionary to identify and remove foreign ideology, worldview, and culture from day to day ministry, and live as a preacher of the Gospel and Cross-Cultural Church Planter.

Spiritual Warfare: Equipping the missionary with spiritual discernment, and spiritual aptitude; enabling them to endure and engage the unending attacks of darkness.

Language Acquisition: Helping the Student develop skills for effective language learning in an immersed environment.


53% of Ministers feel Seminary did not properly prepare them for the task facing them as pastors. (According to Schaefer Institute of Leadership Development.)

Imagine the census if missionaries on foreign fields were to be asked the same question. We fear the number would be staggering. We want to change this reality. At Preach Evangelistic Ministries we feel the three key principles are needed to fully equip an Ambassador of Christ.

Life on Life Learning: We must improve the modern institutional method of learning and training. Men must be brought into a yoke of learning. It is personal and more strenuous, but far more effective. Christ trained twelve to lead His charge, The Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy, let men be proved then commissioned to serve. (I Tim 3:10) At Mentoring Men for Missions we are convinced that men are best trained by using the proven principle of Life on Life Training.

Implementation: Understanding without utilization never equals usefulness. The objective of Mentoring Men for Missions is to bridge the gap between learning and living through experienced men and servants of Christ who have lived what they have learned at the feet of Jesus. Mentoring Men for Missions seeks to develop maturity in the learner that enables him to be more than just hopeful in his calling, but an able doer of the Ministry.

Evaluation (Personal accountability): We live in a society that seeks to live a life void of accountability. The fact is, God desires accountability in the life of everyone of His children, especially among His ordained leaders. In scripture we see multiple examples of accountability from one leader to another. God's invested authority passed from one man to another. We see the opposite today, when men think they possess authority because of a position or a diploma. However, God's method of approval was through the evaluation and accountability of God's men and God's Church. Mission Training must value spiritual lineage amongst its commissioned.

MMM stands apart from traditional training in that it provides a personal coaching in ministry, a practical contextualization of ministry in one's target field, and a partnership of committed like-minded laborers